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Nancy Heinen  President
Don Bullock
Barbara Burkhart
Dan Grajzl
Harry Hawkes Jr.
Jerry Medinger
Pete Drago 

The Hunting Valley Village Council consists of six members, all of which are elected at large for terms of four years. Each member of council shall have been a resident and a qualified elector of the municipality at least five continuous years prior to his/her election and shall continue to be a resident in the municipality throughout his/her term of office.  Council shall choose one of its members as president pro-tem and that member shall preside at meetings of council in the absence of the mayor. If a vacancy is created during a council member's term, that vacancy shall be filled by a majority vote of the remaining council members for the unexpired term.

Council meets at least once a month for regular meetings. The meetings are held at 5:00 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month. The clerk of the council is a non-voting member of the council and is responsible for record-keeping and journalizing every ordinance, resolution, and action by the council. All meetings are open to the public and the public notices of the council meetings are posted outside the Town Hall as is all other information relative to Village business.

Council Meeting Dates 2024
Tuesday, January 9 @ 5:00 pm
February - No Meeting
Tuesday, March 12 @ 5:00 pm

Tuesday, April 9 @ 5:00 pm
Tuesday, May 14 @ 5:00 pm
Tuesday, June 11 @ 5:00 pm
Tuesday, July 9 @ 5:00 pm
Tuesday, August 13 @ 5:00 pm
Tuesday, September 10 @ 5:00 pm
Tuesday, October 15 @ 5:00 pm
Tuesday, November 12 @ 5:00 pm
Tuesday, December 10 @ 5:00 pm


Agendas / Minutes




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